to decipher after a certain point. The engine vibrates so much at high RPM that it is hard to tell knock from normal vibration. I NEED a set of EGTs to get this right. Very good point about advancing the ignition too much. I guess you dont have to be pinging to have excessive temperatures in there and I really an not in the mood to start tearing into the engine for repair work.
I guess now that I have found that the system works, I need to pound out the bugs, finalize the interface, get some EGT sensors and take it to a dyno and tune it. : Also you need to concider exhaust temps when you advance timing. Even though you may not be pinging, your exhaust temps may be spiking up high possibly leading to burnt exhaust valves or meled pistons. Keep up the good work, looks like you are on to something, just make sure you watch the EGT's : Harry
[ ] [ ] When pigs dance, you better get it on video...